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Getting started

Adding specflow-emulator on your project​

// with npm
$ npm install -D specflow-emulator

// or with yarn
$ yarn add -D specflow-emulator

// or with pnpm
$ pnpm add -D specflow-emulator


Under the hood

To make specflow-emulator work, we use jest-cucumber under the hood, we only provide support for Jest and Vitest


Using vitest, you have to add some configuration on vite.config.js:

export default defineConfig({
test: {
globals: true,
include: [
environment: "choose your environnement here" // see:,
setupFiles: ["./setupTests.js"],
watch: true,
deps: {
inline: ["specflow-emulator"],

Then setup your setup test file like this :

import { loadSteps } from "specflow-emulator";

await loadSteps();


Using jest, you have to had some configuration on your package.json or your jest.config.js:

"jest": {
"transformIgnorePatterns": [
"testMatch": [

Then setup your setup test file like this :

import { loadStepsJest } from "specflow-emulator";


Does this work with Vue/React​

Yes, nothing is related with Vue.js or React.js, you can do some test with them.

Examples here : React / Javascript Examples