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Scenario Context

specflow-emulator give you access to a scenario context, a new way to share data between steps. By default in cucumber or jest-cucumber you would create a variable at the start of the test file in order to provide it anywhere else in the test file.

const { defineFeature, loadFeature } = require('jest-cucumber');

const sharedData;
const feature = loadFeature('./myScenario.feature', {
loadRelativePath: true,

test("My scenario", ({
}) => {

given("do something", (data) => {
sharedData = data

then("Use shared data", () => {

With specflow-emulator, you just have to use in your step the scenarioContext object. It will automaticly share data between your steps. Let's take the previous example and convert it to use specflow-emulator and scenarioContext.

import { defineSteps } from "specflow-emulator"

export const stepDefinitions = defineSteps(
[{ feature: "My feature"}],
({ Given, Then, When }) => {

Given("do something", (scenarioContext) => (data) => {
// Here you can create variable inside the scenario context
// It's an object, do what you want with it
scenarioContext.sharedData = data

Then("Use shared data", (scenarioContext) => () => {
// You will be able to access the object values in the other steps



Scenario context is bound to the current scenario, you can't share data between scenarios.


Never spread the scenario context inside the first callback, it could permit some bug.